At our 35 week checkup yesterday our doctor told me that if the babies were to be born now, they would do just fine with only a day or two in the
NICU! Since I had
steroid shots at 29 weeks to mature their lungs we have the doctors approval to go into labor any time. Usually he would like to see how long I can "hang in there", but because of their size and mine (I measure 44 1/2 weeks) they are ready to go! He gave me the OK to do any activity I want to build my strength back up, as long as I rest for four hours a day. He also stopped my weekly progesterone shot to try and "move things along". In case I don't go into labor soon, I have a
tentative C-section scheduled for Oct 4
th. (Oct 4
th is when I will be 38 weeks and our doctor can not schedule a C-section earlier then 2 weeks before my due date if there are no complications) Garrett and I, mainly me, are really hoping that I go into labor soon rather then wait another three weeks! Either way I will be having a C-section. Baby A is still breech (yesterday the doctor could feel a little butt during my exam) and has been for a month. At this point in my pregnancy they have settled into their final position and the chances of one of them flipping is extremely low. We have our weekly stress test on Thursday and continue to wait to meet these boys!
Garrett and I are the first of our friends to be having children and doing it two at a time. There are lots of gross pregnancy things no one tells you about until you are pregnant that I have had to find out for myself. (I plan on keeping them a secret from our friends so they have to learn on their own. Why buck tradition?) However, I feel that the "physically gross" things are way easier to prepare for then the "
socially gross" stuff. Everything with a twin pregnancy is different from a single pregnancy. The amount of hormones, the number of doctor visit, the possible complications, the amount of weight gain, and the "socially gross" encounters...
Pregnancy Related Socially Gross Problem #1- Everyone will want to touch you. I will NEVER understand this. When people hear you are expecting, they feel the need to grope your belly. Personally, I would never grab a friend's belly without an invite, much less a strangers. When I was 9 weeks along, a woman visiting my work jumped over a man in a wheelchair, a stool, and a fellow employee, to grab my belly. (Keep in mind I didn't start showing until I was 5 months along, there was nothing to feel) Once she heard it was twins, she had both hands roaming all over my non-
existent belly. My message- "See with your eyes, now with your hands" (thanks Mom, because of that rule, your children will not grope strangers).
Pregnancy Related Socially Gross Problem #2- Everyone will want to know how big you are. Especially since I am expecting more then one baby people seem fascinated with how big I am. It seems to be the question Garrett is asked the most- How big is Mag? She is growing two people...she is big. Not only does everyone want to know how big I am, how much weight I have gained, they want proof! Everyone seems to want a picture of how big my stomach is I don't get it... put the camera away or take a picture of your own belly.
My 3rd and final Pregnancy Related Socially Gross Problem- You will be asked completely inappropriate
questions by strangers. For the past few months, when out in public, I would be asked "When are you due, you look like you could burst!" First of all, thanks, that makes waddling through Target much easier, and second, "not for a few months I'm having twins." Then the questions start...Were you using fertility drugs? How are you going to deliver them? You look too small to be having twins, are you eating enough? My son/daughter/neighbor/bingo partner always wanted twins do you have any tips on getting pregnant? What are you having? Is that what you wanted?
Before I was pregnant, I had no idea how many times I would have to protect my body and avoid strangers...these are the real things you need to prepare for before getting pregnant.