Monday, December 6, 2010

Finally a new computer! Oh, and two new babies!

I can't believe 2 months have flown by. The week the boys were born our computer crashed. Perfect timing. Now we have a fabulous new Mac and working wireless internet so we can keep family and friends up to date with our family of 4 (sorry Jack, 5).

Calvin Dennis and Luke Forman are finally here! After making it to 38 weeks and showing no signs of going into labor my doctor went ahead and scheduled a c-section for October 4th. I had a wonderful experience having a C-section. I was taken to the O.R. at 7:30am, Garrett was brought in at 7:50, and Calvin was born at 8:00 am at 6lbs 7oz and Luke was born at 8:01 at 7lbs 3oz. Our doctor could not believe how big they were! Both boys were healthy and loud! One nurse said the room sounded like a bag of cats. (ten weeks later I'm still trying to figure out what that means and why were the cats in a bag?) Neither required any extra medical attention and got to come right back to the room with us. All before 8:45am!

When choosing baby names Garrett and I had a very hard time picking a boys name we could agree on. I have always liked the name Luke and Garrett was set on the name Calvin. (reason: Cal Fuller sounds like a baseball player's name. Seriously, that is why he picked the name...) When we found out we were having two boys we decided that we each get to use the name we liked. Middle names were easy, Forman is my Dad's middle name and Dennis is Garrett's and his Dad's middle name. While pregnant we never decided who was who. We decided that when they were born Garrett would decide who got which name.

Garrett deciding who was getting which name.

Meeting Calvin

Meeting Luke (who looks like he has something very important to tell me)

Already these two could not be more different! Calvin is completely content watching everything going on around him. He spends his awake time watching the world with his huge eyes. He is very patient and it's very rare that he gets too loud. Calvin looks just like his Aunt Graak when she was a baby. Luke has been loud since the minute he was born. (he's the bag of cats) He is the screamer. If he needs something we only have a 3 second window before he looses it! To make up for being so loud, he was the first to smile! Luke looks so much like Garrett! So far he has only Fuller features.

Calvin watching the world

Our first night with the boys. Luke has gotten his hat over his face and looks like he is robbing Calvin. Luckily we had a nurse with a sense of humor who took the picture for us.

In two months (now almost 3, I started this post awhile ago and am typing with Luke on my lap.) things have changed so much for the Fullers. We are now a cloth diapering (Hey, BumGenius hire me as a spokesperson!), baby-wearing, Raffi-singing, caffeine fueled, family of four! (again, sorry Jack, 5) It's wonderful!