Dear Calvin and Luke,
Your Dad and I celebrate a lot of anniversaries. We celebrate when we started dating, when we got engaged, and of course our wedding day. Last week we celebrated another anniversary. The day we saw this...
After taking 10 (or 15...) pregnancy tests, all positive, I was pretty sure I was indeed pregnant. On March 2, 2010 Dad and I went to the doctor to confirm my suspicion. Even with the 15 (ok, I took 17 tests. Three of them I took when we got home from the doctor. Even with photo proof I was not convinced.) We expected to hear that I was pregnant and we would find out how far along I was. Dad and I never, EVER, thought we would see that image. Two babies. After our appointment Dad and I went out to lunch at GC Cafe (cause we're super cheap classy) and stared at this picture. Then we noticed the date. March 2, 2010. 3,2,1,0...we should have seen something big coming!
Now, a year later the surprise of that day hasn't worn off. I am with you both all day and I still can't believe we are lucky enough to have two.
I remember that day so well, too. Anytime you get a phone call from your kid that begins, "are you sitting down?", you pay close attention. I also remember showing PopPop when the phone picture came in. The look on his face, and the belly laugh was priceless! I think he also said something wise, like 'they're gonna need a lot of stuff.' It's been a year for you, but 28 years for us, and we're still the luckiest parents (and now granparents) ever.