Thursday, March 31, 2011

Choose your own ending.

A few nights during the week Garrett is out of the house and I put the boys to bed by myself. The three of us have a pretty good routine. I feed them their last bottle, change them into pajamas, put on some Yo Gabba Gabba!, (so Calvin can gaze at DJ Lance) while I put Luke to bed. The other night I put Luke to bed and went downstairs. I started to pick up the toys and clothes from that days chaos and remembered I still had another baby to put to bed. But where was Calvin? Was he...

A. Already sound asleep. The night had been so busy that I forgot.
B. Exactly where I left him, crushing on DJ Lance.
C. Had log-rolled across the room and was babbling to himself under the kitchen table.

If you guess C you are correct! With these turkeys on the move, I never know where I am going to find them.

Working together...

Dear Yo Gabba Gabba and doorway jumper,
If we work together the three of us could prepare a dinner, finish some laundry, or even spend some time with the forgotten child, Jack. Keep up the good work.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

I look the same at 4 and 6am. Please sleep through the night again.

Dear Calvin,
Do you really need teeth? Can't you just survive on frozen coffee drinks and water like I do these days? For the past three weeks you have been miserable and I can only see the smallest speck of white poking through your red swollen gums. It's awful. The little boy that we once said, "if we only had Calvin we would forget we had a baby", has vanished. Now you scream all day, jam your fist against your mouth, and no longer sleep through the night. You are taking two hour naps in the morning, which is nice, but would be unnecessary if you slept past 4am. I love playing "only child" just as much as you do. However, we can spend the same quality one-on-one time at say, 6am. The only thing that seems to take your mind off of your pain is ripping my hair out of my head. I promise you, I would not look good bald. I offered Luke a car in exchange for napping, which totally worked, so I am prepared to offer you the same if you stop teething. Let me know.

Dear Luke,
You are the busiest boy! Unlike your brother, you are so happy all day long. You love jumping and would be thrilled if we let you eat, play, and sleep in your jumper. Feeding you cereal is a challenge. We both end up covered in oatmeal. I can't feed you fast enough and if I am too slow you let me know by screaming, laughing at your screaming, and trying to wrestle the spoon away from me. So far you are showing no signs of teething, but at the speed you move all day, I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't bother you. You are still sleeping through the night which is wonderful! Please let your brother know (while you are trying to lick his hair, which happens at least once a day...) that sleeping all night is still cool.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I used to be a nice person. No really, I was.

We attract a lot of attention. A lot. My stroller is longer then my body. It's quite the sight. Most of the attention we attract is wonderful. I love the people who stop us to comment on how cute my boys are. I get a lot of questions about them. Twins are interesting, I get it. I think that the "are they identical?" or "both boys?" questions are completely acceptable. However, (there is always a however...) some questions are so ridiculous/inappropriate/personal that my verbal answer, which is always polite, is much different then the answer I am giving in my head.

"Did you know you were having twins." Yes, I knew I was having twins. It's not 1910, they have figured out ways to see babies before they are born.

"So you are probably done having kids, right?" Not that it's any of your business but we are on the fence. But the wood to build the fence that we are on hasn't been planted.

"Two boys huh? One of each would have been nice." It's like when people would ask what we were having and then ask if I was hoping for the opposite. No, I would not have preferred one of each.

"Were you trying for twins?" Where were you during 5th grade sex ed? As far as I know (which may not be much considering I got pregnant using two forms of birth control...) you can not plan having twins.

"Whoa twins! Better you then me!" With that comment, damn right better me then you!

Now, I have never actually given any of these responses. Except the last one. I was tired.


Dear Calvin and Luke,

Your Dad and I celebrate a lot of anniversaries. We celebrate when we started dating, when we got engaged, and of course our wedding day. Last week we celebrated another anniversary. The day we saw this...

After taking 10 (or 15...) pregnancy tests, all positive, I was pretty sure I was indeed pregnant. On March 2, 2010 Dad and I went to the doctor to confirm my suspicion. Even with the 15 (ok, I took 17 tests. Three of them I took when we got home from the doctor. Even with photo proof I was not convinced.) We expected to hear that I was pregnant and we would find out how far along I was. Dad and I never, EVER, thought we would see that image. Two babies. After our appointment Dad and I went out to lunch at GC Cafe (cause we're super cheap classy) and stared at this picture. Then we noticed the date. March 2, 2010. 3,2,1,0...we should have seen something big coming!

Now, a year later the surprise of that day hasn't worn off. I am with you both all day and I still can't believe we are lucky enough to have two.